The Chase

The chase was long and silent. The ranger had no idea what he was following. It was not a beast or a garg. It was something else. Something as wily as a fox and as big as a man. The blood trail had vanished a day ago, so the creature was hardy enough to have endured a spear in the shoulder - if the rattled hunter could be believed. "I swear it was as tall as a horse," the man had said, a quaver in his voice. "And it went on two legs? Maybe a bear?" "Nay. Not a bear. I'm sure," the hunter had replied with annoyance. "I been in these woods all my life." His eyes kept scanning the edge of the forest as if the thing was going to burst out any moment. So the ranger had been on the hunt for a day and, now, a night, seeking some unknown creature. The trail had been progressivly more difficult to follow as the light failed, so the ranger was ready to turn back. A twig snapped behind him. He whirled, his senses tingling, sword out, heart ra...