The Yunni Side of Town

That Yunni lass was going to pay, Skawlin thought as he tossed aside his empty wine bottle and staggered down the dirt lane, leaving the twinkling lights of town behind. The moon was full, drifting in and out of fluffy clouds, and he didn't question why he could see two of them in the sky. His whole mind was burning with jealousy and rage as he made his way toward the Yunni side of town, deeper in the forest. He kept seeing her smile, all fake and coy, as she had played him for a fool in the market that morning. /// "How much for a cantaloupe," he had asked. "Only a copper," she had replied, smiling. Her little Yunni teeth were perfect and white, like a toddler's. And, like all her kind, she stood about as tall as a child, even though she had a woman's pleasing figure. He leaned in a little closer, a table of fresh produce separating them. "And how much for a kiss?" Her hand had strayed toward her belt, but a row of large tomatoes had bl...