Battle of Lindrin

From the scroll "Battle of Lindrin in the Ninth Year."

Scholars of the Arcane Brotherhood think much of it was written by Duke Nultan of White River. "Lindrin'' is possibly the ancient name for Lyndaran, a small walled village notable for two standing stones atop a large earthen mound. Some say that birds refuse to land on the stones or the mound. The "ninth year" likely refers to his ninth year after inheriting his title and lands.

Written by mine own hand one week after the battle.

The battle raged throughout the night. Gargs without number, and other demon beasts, came out of the uncanny wall of flames in endless waves to break upon our lines. Our stout soldiers showed no fear as they repulsed one shrieking assault after another.

I must admit, even when my own sword grew heavy, the raging shield maidens of the northlands seemed never to tire, dancing among the fell creatures and flailing slender blades like a mower's scythe.

At last, I fell into a kind of waking nightmare of exhaustion and mayhem. Never will I forget the animal mindlessness to which I succumbed.

I have heard tales of warriors with empty eyes who feel no pain, who wade bare-chested into an enemy. Was this what they felt? I cannot say.

I do know this much: the frail weave of courtly manners and careful diplomacy is but a thin fabric lying lightly over a raging wolf. 

Some part of me thought I should be proud of such skill at arms.  But, I say truly, I fear this grim beast I now know lives inside me.



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